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How to sort out huge quantity of various names of pipe tobaccos? part-I

How to sort out huge quantity of various names of pipe tobaccos? part-I

What are berley, latakia, perique and so on...

About all of these we decided to tell here, at the very beginning of the list of the most or less famous, but not least worthy tobaccos.

Beginner and experienced smoker will be able to find here everything what they desired to know about pipe tobaccos. To tell to person who smokes cigarettes or doesn‘t smoke at all about all existing pipe tobacco sorts, their nuances, fine points and differences, you can be easily considered a dreamer. If telling such people that pipe smoking is not just simple filling of pipe with any tobacco and moreover, not tobacco spalled from cigarette, than you can be not believed again, but, most likely, just will consider you a snob or fop. But, if you will start telling about difference between various tobaccos, blends, mixtures...

( be continued)

Prossimo articolo: How to sort out huge quantity of various names of pipe tobaccos? part-II