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Mac Baren Tobacco Company‘s history

Mac Baren Tobacco Company‘s history

"Mac Baren Tobacco Company‘s roots reach back to 1826. In 1887 the company was bought by Harald Halberg, marking the start of Harald Halberg Tobaksfabrikker in Svendborg.
In the early 1950s a new type of pipe tobacco was introduced on the market under the name Mac Baren - the best known is Mac Baren‘s Mixture. The new pipe tobacco made such a big impression on pipe smokers everywhere that the company became synonymous with Mac Baren and Made in Denmark became associated with pipe tobacco of the highest quality.
The brand grew so strong that in 1995 Harald Halberg Tobaksfabrikker changed its name to the brand name with which the company was now so closely associated.
In recent years they have focused on developing and marketing new products in our traditional markets in western Europe and the USA. At the same time they have taken the lead in opening up new markets in eastern Europe and Asia.
Today Mac Baren Tobacco Company is represented in over 60 markets worldwide through a well-developed dealer network.
Since 2002, in addition to our own Mac Baren tobaccos, the factory in Svendborg has produced tobacco products for some of the world‘s largest tobacco companies."

Prossimo articolo: History of Briar - part I