
Long and hard was the way to success. The beginning was when Tom Spanu left Chiaramonti to go to Varese, in 1962. Nothing foreshadowed that within a few decades his name would be entered in the elite of the craftsmen Builders of pipe and well established, not only in Italy but throughout the world. He began attending an artisan workshop of pipe. Immediately Tommaso became interested in this job. He was so passionate of it that he devoted all his time for working in the lab for over fifteen years. In 1979 he decided to back in Sardinia for open a his own business. He chose to give a beginning at his own trade in the exactly place where the best raw material of pipe, Erica Scoparia, a typical Mediterranean plant. By the time Tommaso was named Tom Spanu.
At the time of today some of his works are exhibited in the Pipe Museum of Gavirate (VA). Many newspapers and magazines in different countries, by United States to Japan, have dedicated several articles to him and his work that now Tom brand figure in the most important catalogues of pipe in the world. The reason of his success lies in a special technique associated to a personal philosophy: no pipe is designed in advance; what decides how will be every single piece it is only the nature, the shape and the color of the raw material‘s piece, Erica, which goes hand in hand with the inventiveness of the artist. His pipes are so different from each other, all of them are exclusive creations, real art pieces.
With the aim to be at the top and provide clientele getting more and more using olive, lemon and cork. Tom handed his son Massimiliano the technique and the ability to carry out the pipe.

Pipe in offerta

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5 простых причин, чтобы доверять le опыт, быстрая доставка, право на отзыв товара, безопасный платеж и конфиденциальность. Все, что вам нужно.

Consigli su come fumare la pipa

Советы о том, как курить трубку

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