
How to clean a pipe and when?

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How to clean a pipe and when?

If you stick to one type or brand of tobacco you should clean after every two bowlfuls with a cleaner, and at the end of the night clean again but with Peppermint oil, bourbon, or brandy. Make sure to swab out shank and stem thoroghly. If you smoke multiple types or brands of tobacco it is wise to have a pipe to dedicate to that type. In other words if you smoke three types of tobacco you need three different pipes. You could go two bowlfuls before cleaning. At the end of the night, clean with the aformentioned fluids. If you only use one pipe and like to smoke different tobaccos, you have to use a cleaning fluid after each smoke! Aromatic smokers should use cleaning fluid daily, an English smoker could get away with using a fluid once a week. You don‘t have to fill the bowl up with the fluid like the manufacturers reccomend. Just soak a cleaner in the fluid and swab out the pipe. If your pipe turns rancid swab out the bowl as well. I find peppermint oil works best! It leaves your pipe both sweet and fresh. I hope these helps and happy smoking to all!

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