
Selecting Your First Pipe - part I

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Selecting Your First Pipe - part I

Selecting a pipe is primarily a matter of personal preference, although there are some factors to consider. First is the overall shape, bent or straight. If you‘re new to pipe smoking and feel you want to clench the pipe in your teeth to keep your hands free, I would recommend a bent pipe. Such a pipe has a lower center of gravity and puts less strain on your teeth. A straight pipe must be clenched harder and can give your jaw muscles a real work out.
However, a straight pipe is usually easier to get a pipe cleaner through the joint where the stem and shank meet than a bent pipe.
When I worked in smoke shops and was recommending a pipe to a first time smoker, one thing I did suggest was to match the overall size of the pipe with the size of the face and hands. A large pipe just "goes" better with a larger person and, conversely, a smaller pipe "fits" better with someone of smaller stature.
Whether the pipe has a smooth or rough finish does not affect how the pipe smokes, however it may affect how hot the pipe feels in your hand. A rough pipe acts like a radiator and dissipates the heat better than a smooth pipe.

(...to be continued)

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