
Should you dedicate a pipe for...

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Should you dedicate a pipe for...

"...each type of tobacco?
There are basically three different categories of pipe tobacco; aromatic, Virginia and English. Each has it‘s own characteristics. As each is smoked they will impart it‘s unique flavor into the porous briar and cake of the pipe they are smoked in. The more the given tobacco is smoked in the same pipe the more of it‘s flavor will linger behind. When a different type of tobacco is smoked it will be influenced by the tobacco previously smoked. This effect can last for the next 5 - 10 bowls and in extreme cases the pipe will have to be thoroughly cleaned to remove the previous flavors. A pipe that is used to smoke many different types and blends of tobacco will eventually become very bland tasting. If you have the luxury of several pipes it would be a good idea to dedicate a pipe or two to each type of tobacco to avoid tainting your smoking experience. There are some pipe smokers that will go so far as to dedicate a pipe for each brand of tobacco. While this may be extreme, it would be great to have at least 1 pipe dedicated to your absolute favorite tobacco blend. By doing so you‘ll experience the taste of the tobacco in it‘s purest form."

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