La Biota - n. 34
This extraordinary Freeform pipe embodies the art of handcrafted design, featuring a bold and sculptural aesthetic that immediately catches the eye. Its bowl showcases a deep black sandblasted finish, highlighting the natural grain of the briar and giving it a strong yet refined character. With an internal diameter of 18 mm and an external diameter of 40 mm, it offers a well-proportioned chamber for a balanced smoking experience.
The bamboo shank is a distinctive element that adds lightness and elegance to the composition, creating a fascinating contrast between the warmth of natural wood and the strength of sandblasted briar. Its knotted sections, adorned with natural details, give the pipe an organic and harmonious aesthetic.
The cumberland mouthpiece, with its refined marbled pattern in warm tones, completes the design with a touch of sophistication. Its slightly curved shape is designed for optimal ergonomics and a comfortable draw, while the seamless connection with the bamboo ensures a smooth transition between materials.
This pipe represents a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality, ideal for enthusiasts seeking an exclusive piece with a striking visual impact. A true collector’s item, yet also a perfect companion for moments of pure enjoyment.
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5 простых причин, чтобы доверять le опыт, быстрая доставка, право на отзыв товара, безопасный платеж и конфиденциальность. Все, что вам нужно.
Мы знаем, что курение трубки не простое дело. Наши рекомендации будут осведомлять о его основах, для того, чтобы Вы могли начать новый опыт и избежать основных ошибок.
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