
After the smoke has cleared - part II

George's Pipe Smoking Pages

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After the smoke has cleared - part II

After you have run several pipe cleaners through the pipe, gently knock out the bowl of any bits of tobacco. Do this against your hand, or onto a cork knocker that is affixed to an ashtray. It‘s not advisable to bang the pipe against the side of an ashtray, or any other hard object, as it can damage the briar.
That‘s it, your pipe is clean and ready for the next smoke. Speaking of which, if you only have one pipe, give it a day‘s rest before you smoke it again. This will give the briar time to absorb the moisture and oils from the first smoke.
I mentioned "cake" earlier. This is a thin buildup of carbonized tobacco and ash and acts as an insulator, extending the life of your pipe and preventing cracks and burnouts. If the cake builds up unevenly, it can be shaped using a special pipe tool, and this is often better left to a professional at a pipe and tobacco shop.
Liberal use of pipe cleaners after - and even during - your smoke will go a long way toward keeping your pipe clean and free of sour tastes and smells.
A good pipe is an investment that will give you years of enjoyment if taken care of properly.

Nächster Artikel Selecting Your First Pipe - part I