
Hudson Valley Pipe Club

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Hudson Valley Pipe Club

The Hudson Valley Pipe Club was founded in 1997 as a way for pipesmokers and enthusiasts to get together on a regular basis and share the love of pipe and tobacco. Their members are from all over the Hudson Valley ranging from Westchester County to as far north as the Albany area, west to Woodstock and east to Connecticut. Their informal meetings take place at 6:00pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month in an area restuarant, one that is pipesmoker friendly of course. Some of their more recent stops have been The Depot in Cold Spring, Schlessinger‘s SteakHouse in New Windsor and their current favorite, The Tinhorn Cafe in Millbrook.
Amoung their members are pipemakers, shop owners, estate pipe dealers, serious collectors and pipesmokers. Meeting nights are social events with pipes sold, bought, traded and more importantly smoked. Many tobaccoes can be sampled and purchased. The informal discussions can include pipemaking methods & materials, tobacco blends, pipemakers, new acquistions and more. Members show their newly acquired pipes and the old favorites, including some one of kind pipes. Pipe brands enjoyed by their members include, Dunhill, Charatan, Connoisseur, Peterson, Bonaquisti, Kaywoodie, Cristiano and more. Many of their members go to the Pipe Shows as exhibitors and consumers. Regular stops by members includes the New York Pipe Show in Newark, NJ; C.O.R.P.S show in Richmond, VA; NASPC show in Columbus, OH and the CPCC show in Chicago, IL.


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