
Removing Dings, Scratches & Dents From Your Pipes

George's Pipe Smoking Pages

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Removing Dings, Scratches & Dents From Your Pipes

You can remove dings, scratches and dents from your pipes with the following method. Just do it very carefully. First, take a pin and dip it in cool water. Touch it to the ding so that some water fills the ding and no more. Think of the ding as a swimming pool you are filling ... no matter how small. The water should be higher than the surface of the pipe. Let it soak in for a few minutes and apply again if necessary. Now take the tip another pin and heat it to red hot and touch it to JUST the water and not the briar. This takes a very steady hand. The water should steam off very fast and the ding should be gone. The whole procedure might take a try or two so be patient. If you put too much water and more than it takes to "fill the pool" you could cook off some of the finish. Not the end of the world if you do but you will have to rewax the pipe. I highly recommend that you try this method a few times on some "knock around" pipes until you get the hang of it.

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