
The Future of Pipe Smoking - part II

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The Future of Pipe Smoking - part II

"For those us who were exposed to the same experiences growing up ... we should count ourselves lucky. Many of today‘s youth will never have such memories and examples. It‘s up to us to past these things on. I‘m not suggesting that we sit our youth down and lecture them while blowing smoke in their faces. No. We should give them an example for them to aspire to and if the the gentlemanly (or womanly) art of relaxing with a pipe happens to be part of the example then we have fostered a time honored tradition.
Many of you recall, as young men, how difficult it was to make the transition from smoking your pipes in private to smoking them in public was. We exposed ourselves to uncomfortability, stares and maybe even ridicule. I know of many mature pipe smokers that still do not venture out in public with a pipe. Most of us overcame the awkwardness of being a young man with a pipe and some have not. Seems each generation is more concerned with "cool" than the generation before. Therefore, let‘s abandon some of our stodgy ways and bring a little "cool" back to pipe smoking. As an exercise in personal growth and in the interest of preserving our past time I vow to be seen in public with a pipe as much as possible ... won‘t you join me. Let‘s not be arrogant about it in a "I‘m smoking my pipe so tough beans on you" kind of way. I‘m talking about showing the world that pipe smoking is inherently sophisticated and civilized ... and cool. Might also be a good idea to leave the heavy and pungent blends at home when you‘re out strutting your stuff.
Young people who take up pipe smoking are the life blood of our hobby. If not for new people taking up the pipe the art of pipe smoking would simply fade away taking with it the great carvers, pipe shops and haunts we take for granted. Introducing interested people to pipe smoking is a great way to keep the hobby alive while forging new friendships and rediscovering our own passions. Joining pipe clubs and helping others while hanging around the pipe shop are great ways to breathe new life into our hobby. Taking a new pipe smoker under wing is very rewarding and will help insure that the pleasure of the pipe will be around for generations to come. "

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