
The Proper Light Method

George's Pipe Smoking Pages

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The Proper Light Method

"Here is a pipe lighting method that will help ensure an effortless smoke.
First, make sure that your tobacco is packed firmly at the very top and about 1/8" to 1/4" below the top of the bowl. By doing this you‘ll allow room for the tobacco to rise when you first light the tobacco and your bowl rims won‘t char and gather tars as fast as they would if you pack right to the very top.
Next, light the tobacco in three stages. The first two lights, or "charring lights", play a key roll is how well the tobacco burns and stays lit. Take your match or lighter and slowing and evenly pass it over the top of the tobacco while gently drawing on the pipe. Once the top of the tobacco is charred or blackened, stop and let the smoldering embers of tobacco go out.
Now take your tamper and tamp down the tobacco that has charred and risen from the first light. Repeat one more time or until there is a very fine layer of ash covering the entire bowl. Now you are ready for the final light. Carefully, slowly and evenly light the entire surface of the tobacco while drawing in.
This method takes a little patience to perfect but it will pay off in a bowl of tobacco that burns much cooler, longer and more evenly than if you attempted to get your bowl lit with only one lighting."

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