
The South West Pipe Club

George's Pipe Smoking Pages

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The South West Pipe Club

The South-West Pipe Club owes its origin to a series of regular tobacco sampling events held by McGahey The Tobacconist. A feature of these events was competitions between members, to see who could keep their pipe alight the longest which, in turn, led to a South-West Pipe Club team competing at the 1994 World Pipe-Smoking Championship. Since then, the Club and its members have been regular participants at both the UK Pipe-Smoking Championship as well as the World event, and can boast two UK champions, as well as the current UK record-holder who has kept his pipe alight for over two hours. A number of members, in keeping their pipes lit for more than 60 minutes, have also earned the distinction of belonging to the Club‘s own "One Hour Club". Club activities include discussions about the finer points of pipe-smoking and tobaccos, participation in "bring and buys" and, of course, the opportunity to just enjoy a quiet pipe and friendly conversation in convivial surroundings. Other activities the Club is introducing are visits to places of interest to pipe-smokers, as well as talks from experts in such fields as pipe manufacture and tobacco blending. All members receive a regular newsletter which keeps them up to date with both local and national events as well as providing a forum for exchanges of interest.


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