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Ottawa Pipe Club

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Ottawa Pipe Club

The group was started in 2002 by a local pipe smoker, Eric Mathurin. It was a chance to see if others had any knowledge or experience to share with respect to pipe smoking. The numbers grew, meetings were held, and things ballooned from there. Some great times were had, and we even attracted some impressive guests to their meetings, such as pipe carver Philip Trypis and representatives from Brigham Enterprises (as well as contributions from Cornell & Diehl, PipesWorld.com and The Ottawa Cigar Emporium). But with Ottawa‘s implemented smoking ban, the club took a heavy hit. Without indoor locations to gather and enjoy a pipe and each other‘s company, they were left to the mercy of patios and Mother Nature. Numbers and interest dwindled, but the club stayed alive. Slowly, it moved to a small group of friends who whoudl gather monthly at someone‘s house to... well... enjoy a pipe and each other‘s company.


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