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PCOL  – The Pipe Club of London

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PCOL  – The Pipe Club of London

"The Pipe Club of London, the premier Pipe Club in Great Britain, was founded in 1970, in association with the now defunct Pipe Club of Great Britain with a view to promote and protect the interests of pipe smokers. To offer them social, entertainment and educational facilities connected with pipes and tobacco.
The Club is truly International with over 491 members in 31 countries, including Malaysia, Brazil, Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and the USA.
The Pipe Club of London meet at The Thatcher‘s Arms, Great Warley, Essex, CM13 3HU, (nearest station being Brentwood) once each month, details and dates can be found using the Forthcoming Events link. Activities include: Tobacco tastings, Talks on pipes & pipe tobacco, interclub, regional. Visits to pipe & tobacco factories etc.


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