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The Future of Pipe Smoking - part I

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The Future of Pipe Smoking - part I

"As we get older there comes a time when some of us "seasoned" pipe smokers should start to think about the future of our wonderful past time. Some of us have enjoyed the fine art of pipe smoking for many moons now and maybe it‘s time to give something back to ensure that the rich history of pipe smoking and collecting is carried on to future generations. This will be our legacy.
Passing on our past time has never been more difficult. Our children and grand children are being taught that smoking is evil, demonizing all smokers in the process, our smoking liberties are under constant attack and those we think they know better than we do as individuals seems at times to have the upper hand. And then there are the taxes geared towards not only separating us from our money but also from the joys of pipe smoking.
Here are a few ways we can make a difference: Many of us, including myself, had early examples. We were lucky enough to have pipe smokers in our families. We watched as our elders enjoyed their pipes, filling the air with smells and memories that to this day "take us back". My grandfather didn‘t get ties for Christmas, he got a pipe. I recall when I got to the age where he would ask me to bring him a pipe ... to be able to handle his pipes was like a right of passage. He never encouraged me to smoke at such a young age but he did teach me how to handle things with respect, how to respect my elders while in the process of coming of age, about tradition and the importance of family and the times spent together. Most of these things were taught with the smell of Half & Half in the air. This is his legacy. This will be mine as well. ... to be continued "

Next articles: The Future of Pipe Smoking - part II