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What are the most common problems associated with pipe smoking? And how can one overcome them?

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What are the most common problems associated with pipe smoking? And how can one overcome them?

Especially people who are new to pipe smoking may encounter some problems that may render pipe smoking less attractive or pleasant. While it‘s hard to give you a clear-cut approach to solving these problems, you might find the following of help.

Tongue bite.
Most likely causes: Tobacco is too dry/You‘re smoking too fast/Tobacco is not packed right.

Pipe smokes too hot.
Most likely causes: Pipe is varnished (it doesn‘t breathe well)/Tobacco is too dry/You‘re smoking too fast.

Pipe smokes too wet.
Most likely causes: Tobacco is too moist/Pipe is not clean enough/You produce too much saliva (esp. if you‘re smoking a bent pipe).

Most likely causes: Tobacco is too strong and/or you‘re smoking it on an empty stomach.

Pipe goes out too frequently.
Most likely causes: Tobacco is not packed correctly/You‘re too nervous (or concentrating on other activities).

Enjoyable pipe smoking is the result of experience and patience. Hang in there, and you‘ll never regret it. The rule is: when you have a certain problem, try and change pipes, tobaccos, smoking techniques and other variables; this way you may be able to figure out the real cause of the problem and then eliminate it.

Next articles: How are pipe tobaccos cured?