Ser Jacopo - Domina n. 2
This extraordinary handcrafted pipe by Ser Jacopo, dated 2015, belongs to the prestigious Domina series, a limited collection that represents the excellence of Italian craftsmanship. With its unique and refined design, this pipe embodies a perfect balance between tradition and innovation.
The surface is sandblasted (S1), masterfully executed to highlight the natural characteristics of the briar and give a distinctive touch. The curved mouthpiece, made of polished acrylic, guarantees a comfortable and ergonomic grip, making every smoke a pleasant experience.
Enriched by a refined 925 silver ring, the pipe combines elegance and strength. The presence of a 9 mm filter seat makes it ideal for those who prefer a cool and clean smoke.
This pipe is one of the exclusive 333 made each year for the Domina series, and is distinguished by the number 49, engraved on the underside of the briar together with the words "Per Aspera Ad Astra" and the "Ser Jacopo brand. These details certify its authenticity and make it a unique piece and highly sought after by collectors.
With a length of 163 mm, a height of 50 mm and a weight of only 63 grams, this pipe offers perfect balance and excellent ergonomics. The classic shape combines with modern details to create a masterpiece that celebrates the pleasure of slow smoking.
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5 простых причин, чтобы доверять le опыт, быстрая доставка, право на отзыв товара, безопасный платеж и конфиденциальность. Все, что вам нужно.
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