Santambrogio - Rusticata n. 288
This Rhodesian pipe in Large size, crafted by the Italian artisan Santambrogio, stands out for its compact and elegant design. With an internal diameter of 21 mm and an external diameter of 52 mm, it offers a spacious chamber, perfect for a long and relaxing smoke.
The distinctive Rhodesian shape, featuring a bitruncated bowl with double decorative lines along the rim, ensures an excellent grip and even combustion. The natural rusticated finish enhances the texture of the briar, giving it a unique look while improving heat resistance.
Equipped with a 9 mm filter chamber, this pipe allows for a customizable smoking experience, providing a drier and cleaner draw. The tenon and mortise connection is designed for a secure fit and easy maintenance.
The methacrylate mouthpiece, in glossy black, adds a touch of elegance and ensures a comfortable smoking experience with its slightly curved shape.
Santambrogio pipes are well known for their excellent value for money, offering finely crafted artisan products at an accessible price. This Rhodesian is a perfect choice for those seeking a functional yet refined pipe, ideal for both experienced smokers and collectors looking to expand their selection.
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