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Elio and Guido Rinaldo began their work with briar in 1974 at the very young ages of 16 and 14 respectively. At this time they were employed by a well known pipe factory. In the beginning they were involved with the design, modeling and finishing. After years of study, hard work, and hands on experience, Elio and Guido mastered their art. This knowledge combined with their sensitivity allowed them to answer the burning desire they had to express themselves in their own way.

Their dream to create a pipe with their own mark became a reality. In 1987, the two brothers founded "Rinaldo Pipes" with the intention of creating fine handmade (fatta a mano) pipes with highly personalized lines fitted with silver and gold treatments that distinguish their exquisite pipes from the vast panorama of pipes.

Their production is very limited since Elio and Guido are the sole ones to make the Rinaldo pipe. This has been their wish from the very first day the factory was started. Because of this loyalty to solely crafting their pipes, the smoker is guaranteed that each phase of the work is being maintained by skilled and expert hands.

Each Rinaldo pipe is made form the very best Mediterranean briar and Elio and Guido select each briar block for its compact texture and regular veining. The acrylic mouthpieces are perfectly balanced and studied for optimal dental grip. This attention to detail results in a mouthpiece that has a pleasant and "easy hold" and is truly a "work of art". The Rinaldo pipe is currently offered in the following finishes: Lithos(Rustic) - Sahara(Sandblast) - Triade(Smooth).

The Rinaldo pipes are divided into three lines: Briar Line(All Briar) - Silver Line(Silver Ornaments) - Gold Line(Gold Ornaments). There are five grade levels: Y, YY, YYY, YYYY, and Fiammata(Straight Grain). All Shapes are available in the regular size bowl and the "Titania" which is a bowl of greater dimensions. Each Rinaldo pipe is offered for the pleasure of beholding its classical and liberal forms. Elio and Guido Rinaldo‘s passion for crafting the finest pipes available is evident in each piece.

Elio and Guido Rinaldo are currently producing approximately 1,500 pipes per year. In 2006 Rinaldo brothers create the special pipe "Pasqualon": this pipe is dedicated to the local dialect poet Orlando Giansanti, "Pasqualon" (1852-1932). The blind poet, an emblematic folk figure of the 19th century, bizarre and spontaneausly ironic, was a witty observer of contemporary society. Always having an eye on local and rural events and gossif, on the changing of fashion and customs he told the stories of humble men, of simple life and the every day comedy that is to be found in popolar emotions. Street poet and kind of "prophet sui generis he was the representative of lawer poetry", the expression of humble but, subtle and sharp mind, the voice of the people, the memory of the past.

Pipe in offerta


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