The Family Era pipes are highly sought after by collectors and have excellent smoking and aesthetic qualities. These pipes are famous for the "old wood" from which they were made. Included the 1962 "Barling‘s Make" pipes in this category because, initially, they were made while the Family still ran the business. Montague Barling was still President, and Williamson-Barling was still General Manager.
The Barling Company produced a variety of classic English shapes. It has been written that they primarily produced billiards and pots because Montague Barling believed that Peterson had a lock on the bent market, and Charatan dominated in the area of Dublin shapes. But their catalogs, including the circa 1914 catalog, show a wide assortment of shapes including pages of bents, dublins, bulldogs, and other classical shapes. Barling produced shapes of all description and constantly experimented with variations. That‘s part of the fascination.
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