
I have started to make pipes about 9 years before (2014). After starting to smoke pipes at about my 16, collecting pipes all the time, I‘ve realized that there is an option to buy pre-bored blocks online and this was my start. Pre-bored block, moulded stem and some files, sandpaper and knives. About nine years later, I have my little workshop equipped as well as possible and much more knowledge about pipes and pipemaking. The making of pipes become my second job, presume it will be my only one. For me the making of pipes is the way to express my craftsmanship, to satisfy my curiosity regarding design and function, differences in materials and methods of processing, etc., and maybe at first place the pleasure to communicate with the pipe community worldwide. All these things provide me with the good feeling to be connected, to share and participate in some kind of friendly competition working with my own hands and expressing my own vision.

I am working with best briar I can buy from different sources. Currently I am working mainly with Grecian briar and prefer to work with briar from this source because it is with very good quality and nice grain. Additionally the close contact gives me the opportunity to communicate directly with the people in the mill. Lately and preferably I am using briar form these sources. I am sorting the blocks very carefully and keep them not less than 3 months before starting to work with them; some special blocks are selected for special pipes and projects.
For the mouthpieces I am using German Ebonite rods, occasionally Acrylic rods and Cumberland. I am not using any pre-made/moulded mouthpieces in my pipes, as far as I don‘t like them, I don‘t like the material used for such mouthpieces and finally the handmade pipe cannot be with pre-made mouthpiece. Almost every time I use Delrin or Teflon rods for the mortises, because of the qualities of these materials to avoid sticking of the tenon in the mortise hole. I like thin mouthpieces, therefore I made them thin and comfortable, paying special attention to the airflow in the stem, the tenon chamfering and the lips end of the stem.
I make many repairs and pipe restorations of old and/or broken pipes. This gives me additional knowledge and skills.
Preferably, I shape before drilling the pipe. In many occasions this is the better way to avoid any problematic parts in the briar block, cracks etc. Following the grain, the briar always dictates the shape. Sometimes, it do not wants to be a pipe, sometimes it says clearly what the shape will be.
The final quality and detailed work are the first goals in my production. My annually production increase last year and currently I am making about 100+ pipes per year for special orders and for regular customers and dealers.

G. Boyadjiev

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