
Originally from Fortaleza, Brazil, Emanuel Emiliano has always been an art aficionado. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a professional draftsman, and as a teenager, that desire turned into a desire to study architecture. None of those dreams came true, but after moving to Curitiba, in the south of Brazil, at a young age, Emiliano started working with professional photography. It was this mixture of vocations, visual influences, aesthetic beauty, tastes and personal dreams that found fertile ground in his youthful passion, the pipe.
When he got to know the pipe universe, in mid-2017, still 23 years old, he became passionate about the universe. The experience of just a pipe smoker was soon transformed with the discovery of the work of great pipe makers, such as the great Brazilian pipemaker Gustavo Cunha of MarTelo pipes, the Italian Angelo Fassi and soon after the fabulous work of Luiz Lavos, those who later became good friends.
All of this made his mind open to the beauty of the artisanal world of pipes, and as he got to know more and more about the work of great artisans, little by little, he began to shape and expand his look, his personal tastes and perceptions of designs, until one day he decided to produce a pipe on his own.
In mid-2020, in full quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Emiliano had the experience of producing his first pipe. It was an amazing moment to see and smoke your fully handmade piece for the first time. Without knowing it, it would change his life. Three years later, Emiliano is today a pipe maker with consolidated and high-level work, who brings together all his baggage of aesthetic and artistic experiences, with great prospects for growth in the world market.
In the early stages of his work, Emiliano took advantage of the large Internet pipe community by observing and analyzing the work of other artisanal pipe carvers online. He cites Luiz Lavos as a friend and master, who helped him with advice on troubleshooting, mechanical issues and tube finishing.
Emiliano pipes generally have a strong Danish influence, prioritizing classic shapes, focusing on shapes and lines, generally prioritizing symmetry. When he decides to use ornaments and rings, one of the characteristics of Emiliano‘s work is to prioritize natural and elegant materials.

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