
What started as a passionate hobby in the late 1950s has since evolved into a multi-generational family driven business. Today, at the age of 80 (2019), Erik Nørding has been making pipes professionally for more than 55 years. Erik is still very much involved in the business and he still produces a few handmade high grade pipes on his own.
Knud Nørding - Erik‘s son - is managing the sales and marketing worldwide. The third generation and Knud‘s son, Victor, is involved in the sales and marketing activities along with Margarita Nørding, Knud‘s wife.
Erik had the perfect foundation for establishing his business:
• He had a solid background as a blacksmith and engineer with great skills of building machinery.
• He was a passionate pipe smoker with the love and understanding of the pipe as a smoking tool.
• He knew how to promote himself and his pipes.

The "Freehand-wave" in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the organic flowing unique pipe-shapes was the real quick starter for the Nørding pipe production.
Today the Freehand-Series is one of the cornerstones in the Nørding Production.
Throughout these early years the Nørding production also gave birth to a number of well known names in the pipe industry. Carvers like Poul Ilsted, Svend Selius, Tao, Peder Jeppesen and Søren Erik Andersen all began their carriers working for Erik Nørding. Erik masters the rare combined skills of production and promotion and a very good example of that is his Guinness record of the "World‘s largest smokable pipe"!
In 1995 Erik Nørding launched the first pipe in his "Hunting Pipe" series. A new pipe has been launched every year at the beginning of the hunting season ever since. Different animals inspire the shape and details of every years new pipe. The Hunting-series is another cornerstone in the history of Nørding Pipes…
Experimentation and innovations have always played a strong role in the life of Erik Nørding, and "alternative" materials such as aluminium, porcelain and highgrade nylon have found their way into the production. Great examples are the Compass-pipe, the Keystone-pipe and the Shorty-pipe.
Nørding Pipes has been thriving in the industry for more than five decades, and with the second and third generation onboard, the family driven business is ready for any challenge the future will bring.

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