
I was born in 1968 and I am living in Austria (Gmunden). I have always been fascinated by tobacco pipes since I was a little boy. Pipes remind me of ancient times, when human beings discovered the use of fire and started to produce their first pieces of art.
My first pipe I smoked at the age of 14. It was a Dunhill of my father‘s collection.
I studied Computer Science at the Technical University in Vienna and made pipes for myself as a hobby. In 1999 pipemaking became my profession.
The first few years I did it like most pipemakers do: Drill first on a machine and then shape the briar. Today I first shape the pipe on the disc and then drill afterwards in a freehand manner. It took a lot of practice to get the freehand drilling exact but I have much more freedom in shaping now.
To me a handmade pipe needs a handcut stem - otherwise it is not a handmade pipe to me. But there are more reasons to make the stem myself. First of all the material used on prefabricated mouthpieces is not good enough. I only use NYH ebonite, which is the best one. Second: The inside of the mouthpice is a very important part of a pipe. If the airstream is not good the pipe will never smoke well. This means the mouthpiece has to be opened up inside. This starts with a chamfered tenon which I am convinced is very important to avoid turbulences and moisture.
In addition I usually do not make the tenon out of ebonite but of Delrin. This is much more work but has 2 main advantages. First is strength - it will not break. Second is a smooth fit and independence of temperature or moisture. No sticking or squeaking when inserting or removing the mouthpiece. Also in every pipe you will be able to get a pipe cleaner all the way in to the bottom of the bowl, every piece even, full bents.

David Wagner

Pipe in offerta

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