
Pipe and Tobacco Combinations

George's Pipe Smoking Pages

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Pipe and Tobacco Combinations

"Pipes can sometimes be very finicky when it comes to the kind and type of tobacco that it will burn well. It pays to try 2 or 3 bowls of a specific tobacco in a specific pipe and record how it smoked. Then try a different tobacco and take note of the results. Continue to experiment until you find a tobacco that burns cool, dry and clean. You‘ll find that a pipe will burn one specific tobacco better than anything else you might pack in it.
You might also encounter the rare pipe that will burn most tobaccos equally well. Sometimes it comes down to engineering but often times it‘s inexplicable. As a rule of thumb tall narrow bowls burn flakes well and wide shallow bowls burn mixtures well.
Wide bowls also tend to tame hot burning tobaccos due to the greater surface area. The shape of the bowl can make a difference to. Conical or V shaped bowls will do a better job of burning tobacco that is hard to keep lit or has a tendency to smoke wet and will intensify the flavors of the tobacco. Cylindrical bowls that have basically the same diameter from top to bottom will tend to burn a bit cooler and slower which will bring out the subtleties in the tobacco.
As much as finding the right tobacco is a journey so is finding the magical combination of pipe and tobacco. Enjoy the ride!"

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