
The History of Borkum Riff - part II

George's Pipe Smoking Pages

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The History of Borkum Riff - part II

"Late in 1968, a new chapter started in the history of Borkum Riff. This was the year when tobacco blenders at the Swedish Tobacco Co created the formula for a new pipe tobacco with unique smoking characteristics – a revolution for the world’s smoking public.
The tobacco blend developed was soft and rich yet mellow in taste. It did not bite or hurt the mouth, was easy to handle and to keep lit. It was lightly flavoured, yet sufficiently strong to provide taste and create an agreeable aroma.
The tobacco turned out to be the perfect choice for those wishing to switch from cigarette smoking to pipe smoking and immediately became a great worldwide success.
It is, however, not enough to have a unique pipe tobacco blend of high quality. The package must reflect the high quality image, and the Borkum Riff pouch package already on the Swedish market was the obvious choice. The design of the Borkum Riff package is unique in its simplicity. It is timeless with many interesting individual design elements. ( be continued)"

Nächster Artikel The History of Borkum Riff - part III