
The History of Borkum Riff - part III

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The History of Borkum Riff - part III

"The ship in the design originates from a 17th century engraving made by Johann Baptista Homann, who lived in Germany.
The tobacco blend had, of course, been developed with an eye on the world‘s largest pipe tobacco market, i.e. the US. Borkum Riff, the Bourbon Whiskey blend, was introduced in the US in 1968 and a major success was achieved. It was not difficult to sell in Borkum Riff on the US market. At an early stage very favourable comments were received from wholesale- and retail trades as well as from consumers. It was even said that this was the pipe tobacco that US pipe smokers had been longing for.
Since then new flavours and new packaging formats have been introduced. Borkum Riff has, of course, not only been spread on the US market but on markets such as Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Spain, New Zeeland, Japan, France, Italy, Germany as well as on several other markets all around the world.
There is no doubt whatsoever that Borkum Riff is one of today‘s greatest tobacco successes in the world."

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