Der am meisten angeklickte Artikel

Die 6 von unseren Kunden, am meisten angeklickten Artikel

Die 6 beliebtesten Zubehörartikel

Albieri - Leather bag 02
Albieri - Leather bag 01
Albieri - Copribracciolo in pelle 03
Albieri - Handmade leather pipe stand 10
Albieri - Leather Magnetic Stand 06
Lighters - Lub. Celebration W380.2

Was sagen andere Kunden über uns?


ci.pi - 04/01/2019

Spedizione velocissima. Pipa perfetta e bellissima. Molto elegante (e assolutamente gradito..) l'omaggio d'accompagnamento. Impeccabili! Un cordialissimo ringraziamento.


Walt - 25/07/2020

Every time I shop at LePipe I walk away completely satisfied. They have a great quality selection to chose from and the shipping overseas is fast! This is one of my favorite shops!


Corrado - 19/05/2021

Come sempre servizio eccellente ed estremamente soddisfatto della pipa. Fornitore altamente raccomandabile.


Jos - 21/01/2021

The year turns but LePipe goes on at it's very best. New year and new pipes by the professional hand of Mr Guariglia. Delivery, package and follow-up all achieved. Sorry, nothing to complain about. A satisfied customer.

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