Santambrogio - Rusticata n. 290
This Bent Egg pipe in Medium size, crafted by the Italian artisan Santambrogio, combines elegance and practicality in a harmonious, easy-to-handle design. The oval-shaped bowl ensures excellent combustion capacity, while its dimensions (internal diameter of 21 mm and external diameter of 41 mm) make it ideal for a well-balanced smoke.
The natural rusticated finish gives the pipe a distinctive look, highlighting the texture of the briar and improving grip. The smooth shank contrasts beautifully with the bowl, showcasing the quality craftsmanship.
The methacrylate mouthpiece in ivory tones, accented with gold details and a green band, adds a touch of refinement. Its curved shape is designed for a comfortable and relaxed smoking experience.
This pipe comes with a manufacturer’s pouch and box, making it an excellent choice for those seeking an elegant accessory, whether for personal use or as a high-quality gift.
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