Santambrogio - Rusticata n. 291
A pipe that breaks the mold, this Freeform in Large size is a perfect example of how craftsmanship can bring a sculptural and dynamic shape to life. The bowl, with its natural rusticated finish, appears shaped by the elements, featuring a deep texture that enhances the grain of the briar while providing an excellent grip.
Its Stand-Up design allows it to rest upright without a stand, making it ideal for those who appreciate both functionality and aesthetics. Perfect for smokers who want a pipe that’s always ready for use, without sacrificing style.
The methacrylate mouthpiece in glossy black creates a refined contrast with the rustic bowl, while the translucent green band adds a modern touch. Equipped with a 9 mm filter chamber, it allows for a customized draw, adapting to each smoker’s preference.
This pipe is not just a collector’s item but a perfect companion for those seeking a refined and comfortable smoking experience, with a design that won’t go unnoticed.
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