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Club Area, Tobacco: 639: Tropical Mango Flake

Tobacco, George‘s Pipe Smoking Pages, Pipe Club Corner
Author: James Hayden
Date: 25/03/2021
Rating: Recommended
Strength: Mild to Medium
Flavoring: Medium
Taste: Medium
Room Note: Pleasant

Review: I‘ve been hunting this down for a few months and finally found a 50g tin. In my eagerness to smoke it I didn‘t leave the flake to dry alittle (I think this could help the burn and flavours). On opening the tin the tobacco is very dark and you can smell the mango which is quite lovely. Was very easy to get going but had to relight a few times and no tongue bite. Solani tobacco really is a treat. For me not as good as solani Virginia flake but a solid smoke for someone who likes aromatics. Hunt it down and enjoy.

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