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How to place an order

1. Terms & Conditions In our catalogue, next to every product, you will find the button "Buy now". This gives you the option to place, without any obligation, the chosen articles in a virtual shopping bag continuing to browse throughout the web site before placing an order.

In the section "Basket" you can modify the list of all the products you selected. Once you are convinced of your choice you must do login, if you are already registered, or to create a new account in a few seconds. After that, you must select the type and the country of the shipping. Clicking on the green button you may proceed to the next section: Order. In this page are listed the type of Payment: you can choose terms of payment.

2. Prices and Forms of Payment Delivery costs will be added to the total price only when you get into the basket page. The final price (including door-to-door delivery) will automatically appear when the customer indicates the country of destination. Le Pipe sas is not responsible for taxes imposed by other countries.

The payment with Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, Diners, American Express) is insured by Sella bank secure server (SSL) with the most advanced technology regarding communication security. Therefore, the information regarding your credit card cannot be viewed by other users on line. No charge will be made to your credit card until shipment.
Alternatively you may use PayPal Payments.

Payment off line
If you don’t want to use your credit card, you can choose an off line payment: via Bank transfer to:
Le Pipe sas - Via Croce Malloni, n. 211 - 84015 - Nocera Superiore (SA) - Italy
Country Code: IT
European Cin: 71
Cin: N
ABI: 03268
CAB: 22300
c.c. number (0 + 11 cifre): 000533487660
IBAN: IT 71 N 03268 22300 000533487660
BBAN: N 03268 22300 000533487660

In this case, we will provide the shipment of the goods as soon as we receive payment notification. N.B. In the explanation of the bank transfer you must clearly indicate the order number assigned at purchase and the date of the order.

3. Form of Shipment Le pipe sas uses DHL express courier for deliveries within 3/5 working days. In case of failure of delivery, our courier leaves a notice asking to be contacted within 24 hours and try to deliver the package asap without any cost for you. If the second delivery is still unsuccessful, a notice will inform you where you can pick up the material.
Goods are carefully packed: in case of breakage or tampering, the customer must refuse the package, we guarantee the replacement of the product and a new delivery, completely free of charge. After the shipment, we will send you an e-mail with all the shipment details. However you can require a standard delivery at the cost of euro 17 with the registered mail of the Italian Post.
Pls. click here to see costs of shipping!

4. Satisfaction or reimbursement Le Pipe sas guarantees unconditionally all its products: all the pipes you found on are manufactured by pipe makers who work according to ancient traditions. Shopping on line is comparable to shopping by catalogue and is therefore subjected to the conditions of the Italian Law Decree 22 May 1999 n. 185
The unsatisfied customer can value his right of withdrawal sending an e-mail to, within 10 days from the receipt of the product, containing:
his right to withdrawal;
- the product article/description;
- the order number and finally his bank details.
Reimbursement can be done only after receipt of product, undamaged, and not later than 10 (ten) days from the delivery.
WARNING: The product must be returned with the delivery note and/or the bill of consignment attached to the goods at the moment of delivery.
Refund of charges: within 10 (ten) days of receiving of the product, Le Pipe sas will provide a refund by bank transfer. The refund covers only the cost of the product. It does not include any additional costs for the product delivery, which will be at the customer's expense. For any further information regarding refund policies please write to the following e-mail address:

5. Information request For any information related to the order and or products, for any comments or questions, pls. contact us at the e-mail address:
Our customer service is at your disposal for any question.

6. Jurisdiction Any disputes shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Court of Nocera Inferiore (SA), Italy. In the event of force majeure or accidental circumstances, we shall not accept responsibility for delays or failure to make deliveries and shall have the right to terminate the agreement in whole or in part or to discontinue or defer it.

Pipe in offerta

The discounted pipes

In the section ‘pipes on offer‘ you can use of our search engine that will help you to find the pipe you wish only between the ones on offer.

Programma sconto

Discount rules

we have always received a great consensus from our customer thanks to the special discounts which reward pur best users.

Come eseguire un ordine

How to place an order

Any doubts on how to submit your first order? In this page you will find simple info which will guide you, step by step, to choose the pipe till the order is settled.



5 simple reasons to trust on le pipe: experience, fast delivery, right of withdrawal, secure payment and privacy. Everything you need.

Consigli su come fumare la pipa

Tips on how to smoke a pipe

We know that smoking the pipe is not a simple matter. Our guide lines would inform you on its basic elements, in order to make you start a new experience and avoid main mistakes.

Parlano di noi

They talk about us

We assume that consideration of one of the most important Italian newspaper in not the unique reason of proud for us. Our customers comments are what mostly satisfy us.